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This People Services related service offering of the Group covers a vast range of aspects such as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within the workplace, Enhancing Team Cultures, Employee Engagement strategies and Authentic Leadership advocacy to our valued clientele, with the hope of enhancing Employee Experience across all industries that our client base represents.
Exceptional employee experience leads to improved brand strength, increased retention and greater profitability. Hence, as a PR Consultancy, we believe that ensuring that the team members experience a positive work culture / environment, will be hugely supportive of enhancing an organization’s brand reputation as well.
We firmly believe that creating a positive Employee Experience can make team members feel more productive, happy, and driven. This enhanced productivity has the potential to have a huge influence on your company. A motivated team is more likely to actively participate in their task and produce greater results.
Let’s all come together to DEPICT our commitment towards our team members.


  • Employee Engagement creates the appropriate conditions for all employees to give their best every day, follow their organizations’ aims and values, be motivated to contribute to organizational success and feel confident and proud of their contribution to the organization.
  • Employee Experience is a concept that goes beyond activities, games, and events as the only means to keep employees engaged. Performance is driven by employee engagement and employee experience. Employees that are engaged take a holistic view of the firm and understand their role, where they fit in, and how they contribute. As a result, one will be able to make smarter decisions. Companies that have a highly engaged workforce are well known for outperforming their competitors.
  • In fostering an environment that embraces growth, and innovations, positive Employee Experience is a key differentiator.

  • Equity and Inclusion are vital to establishing and maintaining a successful workplace, one that is based on the belief that all team members should be given fair opportunities to explore their ability to achieve personal and professional success. Here, we would like to differentiate between Equality and Equity, where we highly believe in Equity in addition to Equality.
  • If one believes that all the team members are the same and one activity carried out in line with DEI will impact all in the same level, it is extremely wrong. For an example, if we take the option of a flexible work model, the flexible time allocation for one individual, would not be ideal for another individual who opts for such a model. That is why as employers, we should ensure that such policies need to be catered to the needs of each individual. Without equity, such policies would end up being just another carrot but without enhancing the employee experience of an individual.
  • The process of ensuring that employees in the workplace feel like they belong is known as inclusion. In terms of expressing their authentic selves, every employee should feel at ease and encouraged by the organization.
  • In contradiction to inclusion, equity is the practice of ensuring that systems and programs are unbiased, fair, and deliver equitable outcomes for all people. Equity ensures that everyone receives the relevant opportunity and advancements for their individual growth.