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2023 Purpose Driven Brands study by Barkley’s

Barkley’s latest exploration into Brand Purpose has unveiled compelling insights that demand attention.

Dubbed the “Annual State of Purpose Report,” this study, led by Kansas City-based BarkleyOKRP, an independent creative idea company, brings forth pivotal findings reshaping our understanding of consumer behavior and brand engagement.

Amidst global economic concerns, the study reveals a surprising trend: inflation takes a backseat when consumers prioritize brands aligned with purpose. A staggering majority express commitment to sustainable living, with over 50% willing to invest more in eco-conscious products. Moreover, 67% actively seek products facilitating socially responsible lifestyles.

Of significant note is the overwhelming sentiment (79%) emphasizing sustainability despite economic uncertainties. Equally striking is the revelation that 65% have preferred brands demonstrating social and environmental responsibility over competitors.

The report underscores a generational shift, with younger demographics leading the charge on sustainability scrutiny. Millennials, comprising 40% of respondents, prioritize researching a company’s ethical stance before making purchases, a behavior less pronounced among Baby Boomers (16%).

Additionally, consumers exhibit increasing vigilance against greenwashing, demanding tangible proof of brand commitments. A significant 71% find it challenging to ascertain a brand’s ethical integrity, highlighting the necessity for transparent and authentic communication.

It was noted familial and social influences weigh heavily on consumer choices, with more than half reporting feeling pressure from their networks to embrace sustainable practices. This underscores the importance of broadening communication strategies beyond target demographics to encompass consumers’ social circles.

Barkley’s findings present a compelling case for brands to embrace purpose-driven initiatives as a pathway to enduring more opportunities that have not been tapped. 

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