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Boosting Brand Authenticity amid a raging Pandemic

Authenticity is described as showing one’s true self. Alan Cohen, the author of 27 popular books lucidly expressed it as ‘living one’s truth’. “Everything will line up perfectly when knowing and living the truth becomes more important than looking good” says Cohen.

Authenticity, at an individual’s personal level, helps them to align their conduct and speech, helps them to live their truth, and empower them to drop their pretenses.
But can companies and brands adopt it?
The answer is, an overwhelming ‘Yes’!
In 2018, world’s leading PR firm Edelman conducted a global survey of 8,000 people in eight markets, and discovered the new consumer trend that is here to stay: The brand’s authenticity. “Belief-driven buyers are now the majority across markets” reported Edelman.
Richard Edelman, president and CEO of Edelman said: “This is the birth of Brand Democracy; as consumers are electing brands as their change agents. Brands are now being pushed to go beyond their classic business interests to become advocates. It is a new relationship between company and consumer.”

Amanda Glasgow, Edelman’s Global Brand Chair says: “When you show the world your authentic self, the people who matter will support you…A brand must understand its audience and think long-term so that the stand it chooses authentically connects its values to its customers.”
In my view, while the Pandemic has created unprecedented pressures for brands and businesses everywhere, their most pressing challenge is that COVID turning out to be the biggest testing ground for their authenticity.
For example, an apparel maker switching their productions from suits and fashion clothing to various PPEs and masks can continue to maintain authenticity of their brand in the new market even if their undeclared motives were profits only. Similarly an automotive lubricant maker or a perfume maker switching some of their production to hand-sanitizers can sustain the authenticity of their brand in their new-found sanitizer market, even if their undeclared motives were profits only. On the other hand, can a fashion shoe-maker transit from shoes to masks and retain fashion shoe brand authenticity?

As long as the new transformed brands fulfil the Pandemic’s urgent response needs, they may maintain brand authenticity. However, when the Pandemic eases and regular shopping begins to re-emerge, how will authenticity conscious buyers view them? How will authenticity conscious buyers view even brands that are already in apparels and lubricants who switched their production lines to meet COVID demand?
It is not possible to predict the fate of such brands in a post-pandemic world since the present, COVID laced business landscape is highly volatile with many new brand ‘casualties’ reported every day. Still, the buyers know of brand’s declared authenticity versus the actual practice of it. They recognize brands that stayed true to their purpose, contributed to greater good, were genuinely sensitive to customers’ pandemic emotions….and will reward them accordingly.

What if brands still genuinely attempt to serve customers’ pandemic emotions and concerns but are still seen as far from being authentic but only faking?
The key is in brands ‘not trying’ to manipulate the Pandemic for their advantage. Even if brands attempt this, if they cannot convey it to the markets, they likely will suffer brand damage. Advertising in the media voicing they support consumers during the Pandemic may even make matters worse.

Powerful Public Relation solutions such as those provided by the Wire Group can effectively re-purpose your brand, with least turnaround times while highlighting its authenticity in a way it resonates as to how it should resonate. “Thought Leads”, one of the most effective brand communication tools used by the Wire Group can create the reality of the brand’s engagement. SEO tools of Wire Group can position the brand’s engagement in the social media sphere. With its hands on expertise in the Sri Lankan news cycles, the Wire Group can swiftly position your Brand’s COVID engagement to the serious news audience (which at this moment, is no less than the entire marketplace!).

It is time to highlight the brand’s real contribution- and delink from possible pretexts, without any further delay.

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